
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Bear Witness

AP News photo of USAID food distribution
In a previous post, I mentioned being in a location where I felt at times that all I could do was bear
witness, and others that I wanted a smoke. What I don't think I mentioned is that, in all that hard, dirty, imperfect work was the belief that this was the service I truly belonged in. That I felt more at-home-in-the-work bouncing around the back of Land Rovers and sitting on straw mats in the sand than in many other circumstances.

I'm not telling you this because I want kudos. This isn't white saviourism. This isn't me trying to bounce in and rescue "those" people. What I hope I am doing, and I know my colleagues around the world are doing, is aligning with people, supporting and working collectively for justice, freedom, safety and wellbeing. I don't deserve credit for this work - I am one part of many efforts to make the world a better place for vulnerable people and future generations. 

We aren't here to get rich and famous. 

We are here to work ourselves out of a job because the work is finished and we are no longer needed.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

One Practical Action Today

Edit: The rumors didn’t turn out to be true. There was no divisive Super Bowl ad, and I’m super glad. However, what remains true is that Musk continues to post misleading and untrue information about foreign aid publicly, including calling USAID a “criminal organization.” The information below is still relevant for other conversations and challenges to misinformation however!

This morning, rumors started to spread that Elon Musk spent $40 million dollars on a Super Bowl ad or ads demonizing USAID. The irony that the world's richest man is actively preventing aid to a billion of the world's poorest is something.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Helping is Not Criminal

Despite the supposed waiver availability for “lifesaving”

Program in a refugee camp funded by US foreign aid

support, very few waivers have come through the US State Department for foreign aid. 

Rubio has doubled down on how wasteful, unAmerican and terrible humanitarian and development aid is. The administration has issued bald faced lies about what is has been distributed. Over 100 USAID staffers have been sacked.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Fight for All the People

Classroom I visited in rural Ethiopia, 2018
We are facing down the apocalypse. Today the administration attempted to cut all assistance (for things like Medicaid, school lunches, meals on wheels, education assistance) for vulnerable people he ostensibly has more reason to care about. If that's how the administration is willing to treat citizens (but for an emergency injunctive order because a consortium of States sued), what hope do vulnerable people in other countries have?  

Sunday, January 26, 2025

90 Days is Too Long to Wait

Children in front of a tailor's shop in a refugee camp 
Four days after I returned home from the Chicago Marathon, I left for Chad. For
security reasons, I didn't post about my trip while I was there, and I won't be sharing specifics of where I visited. Anything I share in this post reflects my own views, and not that of any organization I have worked for or met with.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Race Report: Pikes Peak Ascent

 Well, if you read my last blog post, you know I was going into this race with some ridiculous history and some current anxiety. 

I regret to inform you that anxiety did not magically disappear on race day. Good news, the race got done. Better news, I didn't smash my face. Best news, I did not have (another) stroke at mile 9.