AP News photo of USAID food distribution |
witness, and others that I wanted a smoke. What I don't think I mentioned is that, in all that hard, dirty, imperfect work was the belief that this was the service I truly belonged in. That I felt more at-home-in-the-work bouncing around the back of Land Rovers and sitting on straw mats in the sand than in many other circumstances.
I'm not telling you this because I want kudos. This isn't white saviourism. This isn't me trying to bounce in and rescue "those" people. What I hope I am doing, and I know my colleagues around the world are doing, is aligning with people, supporting and working collectively for justice, freedom, safety and wellbeing. I don't deserve credit for this work - I am one part of many efforts to make the world a better place for vulnerable people and future generations.
We aren't here to get rich and famous.
We are here to work ourselves out of a job because the work is finished and we are no longer needed.